Shaolin monk walks on water for 125 meters, breaking his own record

Shi Liliang, from the Quanzhou Shaolin Temple, has broken his own record of water walking by dashing 125 meters across a reservoir, supported only by centimeter thin boards held together by strips of cloth.

In January of 2015, he ran 120 meters and in Octorber of 2014 he had run 118 meters.

The huge stunt takes muscle coordination, speed and immense balance.  Shi explained that “you need to be fast but you should take only small steps” to complete the task.

The boards were very thin and small and offered a very little amount of traction.  He made it across on his fourth attempt and in about 50 seconds.

Shi is using the tuition money from the stunts to raise tuition money for poor children.


Photo Credits: Shi Liliang. © Stringer Shanghai / Reuters

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