There are hundreds of rowdy at-risk youth in low-income schools that face higher rates of anxiety, stress, and violence in their lives, but when the...
“Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act.“
Albert Einstein

Meet The Graffiti Gang – Grandparents takeout the streets
So you think your grandparents aren’t “street” enough? Too set in their ways to get down with the kids? Meet the granny...
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Real Living Proof Of Prolonged Youth Through Yoga
This is 95-year-old yoga master Kazım Gürbüz, who looks closer to 50 than 100. Gürbüz still enjoys an active sex life and...
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Meet The World’s Oldest Female Bodybuilder
Ever felt like you’re too old to do something? Well, you’re not. And Ernestine Shepherd is proof of that. She’s the...
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Racism Tears Britain Apart Due EU Leaving
Two men and a boy were arrested after a video showed a group of teenagers racially abusing a tram passenger who confronted them...
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Cute Video About Never Giving Up – Only In Japan
Japanese child fails to jump the barrier four times. The reaction of his colleagues its heart warming. Watch the video...
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A Retired Aerospace Engineer Totally Shocks The Audience –...
Who said that talent shows are predictable? After the likes of Paul Potts and Susan Boyle, we should know not to make assumptions...
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Glowing Tumors : Researchers Make Tumors Glow To Assist Surgeons In...
Glowing tumors could help surgeons remove cancer. Dyes which light up cancerous cells could transform cancer treatment in the...
Read MoreSalina Turda, located in Turda, Romania, is home to an underground theme park that’s nestled inside one of the oldest salt mines in the...
Source: Britain’s Got Talent
Photo source:
Artists: salutsalon
Creating a seven-figure business online was improbable 10 or even just five years ago, but as technology improves globally, there are more...
New social media and web tools seem to pop up every day. Here are some definitely worth checking out. With a seemingly endless list of web and social...
A 3-year-old Arizona girl, who taught herself Spanish using an iPad, has an IQ so high she was admitted into Mensa, an Arizona television station...
Never-seen before original footage of the historic meeting leading to the biggest advertising stunt of all time. Agency : lg2 Client: 1one...
In my life, I have given a fuck about many people and many things. I have also not given a fuck about many people and many things. And those fucks I...