This activist rap video took on Unilever, one of the biggest consumer goods companies in the world, and won big for the mercury-poisoned ex-workers...
“Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act.“
Albert Einstein

Meet The Graffiti Gang – Grandparents takeout the streets
So you think your grandparents aren’t “street” enough? Too set in their ways to get down with the kids? Meet the granny...
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Real Living Proof Of Prolonged Youth Through Yoga
This is 95-year-old yoga master Kazım Gürbüz, who looks closer to 50 than 100. Gürbüz still enjoys an active sex life and...
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Meet The World’s Oldest Female Bodybuilder
Ever felt like you’re too old to do something? Well, you’re not. And Ernestine Shepherd is proof of that. She’s the...
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Racism Tears Britain Apart Due EU Leaving
Two men and a boy were arrested after a video showed a group of teenagers racially abusing a tram passenger who confronted them...
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Cute Video About Never Giving Up – Only In Japan
Japanese child fails to jump the barrier four times. The reaction of his colleagues its heart warming. Watch the video...
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A Retired Aerospace Engineer Totally Shocks The Audience –...
Who said that talent shows are predictable? After the likes of Paul Potts and Susan Boyle, we should know not to make assumptions...
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Glowing Tumors : Researchers Make Tumors Glow To Assist Surgeons In...
Glowing tumors could help surgeons remove cancer. Dyes which light up cancerous cells could transform cancer treatment in the...
Read MoreHave a note you need to write and a bad case of carpal tunnel? Just tell this plotter to print out a hand written letter. The Axidraw is a motorized...
Neuroscientist Jay Alberts is an avid cyclist, but he never expected to make any medical discoveries on his bike. He did just that on a 50-mile ride...
Filmmaker Paul Dalio Is Gifted With: Bipolar Filmmaker Paul Dalio describes his journey navigating the diagnosis of Bipolar I, and later becoming a...
“Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing”. Mother Theresa “You’ll find that...
MasterFoods Australia launched its new brand campaign for MasterFoods, encouraging all families to #MakeDinnertimeMatter. With the demands of modern...
For football fans and players alike, relegation can often bring out a man’s emotional side. And for one footballer, coming to terms with the...
Ten days after 9/11, a shocking attack at a Texas mini-mart shattered the lives of two men: the victim and the attacker. In this stunning talk, Anand...
Without telling anyone, a pet store replaced all of its animals with shelter animals for just one day. The customers’ reactions just about say it...
More and more traffic accidents are due to texting. If we want to reduce the 1.2 million traffic victims worldwide each year, we have to act. How do...