The patron of the exhibition, Desiree Velazquez, told RT that first impressions in this case can be deceptive.

Darwinian Voodoo, Apex Predator, Alpha Tote, Photo © Fantich & Young.
“I think you see it, and you see the teeth and you see some of the references that it makes and it looks a little bit morbid. But as you get a deeper look into all of the posters and the way it’s set up, it does start to look more like a beautiful lifestyle with a fashion edge,” Velazquez said.
Darwinian Voodoo is a project by Fantich & Young that was founded by artists Mariana Fantich, from Ukraine, and Dominic Young, from Britain. Young believes the art works just suit the public’s taste.
“You know we all want to be apex predators. So we’re just playing up on that. So what we did, we created a brand called Darwinian Voodoo – which is a pedigree lifestyle brand – and the debut outfit collection of Darwinian Voodoo is the ‘Apex Predator’,” he told RT.
The project mixes Darwin’s theory of evolution and Voodoo ritual aspects to shift the perspective into the supernatural and study “nature as model or nature as threat.”
“It’s all an artwork, even though it crosses the mediums of design, fashion, and fine art – it’s all fine art. Even what we’re standing in, what looks like a department store, is actually an installation of fine art,” Young said.
So how much would such an artwork cost?
“The Apex Predator, female and male, for the pair of them I would say it’s about $45,000,” Susan Barrett, founder and CEO of Barrett Barrera Gallery, said.
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